Saturday, December 28, 2019

Energy and Material Use in Semiconductor Devices - 902 Words

2 Articles The 1.7 Kilogram Microchip: Energy and Material Use in The Production of Semiconductor Devices, E. D. Williams, R.U. Ayres Summary Kilogram microchip implants that track peoples movements or allow shoppers to purchase groceries with the wave of a finger may soon be more than science fiction: One scientist is working to make them part of everyday reality. The computer that controls the environment in Warwicks office recognizes his presence because the implant - a glass capsule 23 millimeters long containing kilogram microchips - sends a unique signal. The computer can then adjust the lights and heat to Warwicks pre-set preferences. The key to implants usefulness is that unique signal, which many speculate could be used as a cross between a social security number and a PIN, allowing computers in your home, workplace, car, grocery store, and hospital to recognize you. You wouldnt have to worry about losing your keys again: Your car and your house would automatically admit you. (Of course, if the implant broke or the computers went down, youd face the high-tech equivalent of losing your keys.) At the bank or grocery store, implantees could transfer funds or buy provisions without ever having to reach for a wallet or purse. Such implants might tempt criminals to attack individuals and forcibly remove the implants in order to steal a persons identity or access his bank account. However, implants could be designed to give off a distress signal if they wereShow MoreRelatedOrganic Components Of Organic Semiconductors1427 Words   |  6 Pages Organic semiconductors Abstract: This paper covers advantages of organic semiconductors over the conventional one’s and also the use of organic semiconductors and polymers to make OLED’s and PLED’s. Introduction: An organic semiconductor is an organic material with semiconductor properties. They can be divided into single molecules, oligomers or polymers. 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That is the equivalent of one tennis ball in a string of golf balls stretching from the earthRead MoreSolar Electric Energy Systems1363 Words   |  6 PagesSince its first commercial use in powering orbital satellites of the US space programs in the 1950s. While most PV cells in use today are silicon-based, cells made of other semiconductor materials are expected to surpass silicon PV cells in performance and cost and become viable competitors in the PV marketplace A photovoltaic cell is a semiconductor diode that converts visible light into direct current. Some Photovoltaic cells are an integral part of solar-electric energy systems, which are becoming

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Hip Hop Genre Essay - 1530 Words

The Hip Hop Genre ‘It can be reasonably argued that the vast majority of musical production at any one time involves musicians working in relatively stable ‘genre worlds’ within which ongoing creative practice is not so much about sudden bursts but he continual production of familiarity†¦.. such rules may guide the notes a guitarist may select to play†¦ the way a star may conduct themselves in public†¦ the way the audiences behave†¦ and how journalists may aesthetically evaluate a performance’ Negus K.†¦show more content†¦Rappers are fighting other rappers. The 50 cent versus Ja Rule feud is a good example, the story is different depending on who’s side you listen to, Ja Rule says there wasn’t enough respect shown to him on a video shoot, the two of them are from the same town, 50 cent says it was because Ja Rule’s chain was stolen in a club an he spoke to the guy that stole it. 50 cents track Wanksta is allegedly aimed at Ja Rule. It has now turned into a dissing war using the music to put across their views and arguments about each other etc. However its now turned into a war between the labels, Muder Inc versus shady/aftermath which includes Eminem, Dr Dre, Obie Trice and D12 as well as G-Unit and 50 cent. 50 Cent often said that Ja Rule was a Tupac wannabe and that he could never be as great as Tupac, so Jas reply was to make a diss track with one of Tupacs former friends Fatal Hussein from Tupacs crew The Outlawz, this track was calle d the wrap and Ja Rule said it was the final diss in the feud, whether it is remains to be seen, but let shope this doesn’t escalate to any actual gun violence because nobody in hip hop wants to see either artist killed. All this being put out so publically effects the fans, they start to act like their favourite stars, get into arguments with other fans and something that starts out as a simple misunderstanding is blown out of allShow MoreRelatedHip Hop And The Music Genre927 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is Hip-Hop? According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Hip-Hop can be delineated as a music genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted.1 Originating from a disparaged subculture in the South Bronx and eagerly spreading through other sectors of New York City during the 1970’s, Hip-Hop evolved from formerly being a relatively fraudulent style to currently being a commercialized and disseminated music genre among diverseRead MoreThe Hip Hop Genre And Culture1778 Words   |  8 PagesLuke Brown Professor Melissa Plaster English 1301 26 October 2015 The Hip Hop Genre and Culture The Hip Hop Genre can be reasonably argued, that the vast majority of musical production at any one time involves musicians working in relatively stable ‘genre worlds’ within which ongoing creative practice is not so much about sudden bursts but the continual production of familiarity such rules may guide the notes a guitarist may select to play the way a star may conduct themselves in publicRead MoreHip Hop Is A Genre Of Music1192 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferent genres and many kinds of music from different places and different nationality. Hip hop is a cultural movement that emerged in the 1970s in the United States among Latin Americans, Jamaicans and African American that aimed to protest the social conflicts and violence suffered by the lower classes of urban society. Hip Hop is a genre of music that has significantly grown the last couple of decades. Since the music hip pop stems from the historical conditions by different nations, hip hop becameRead MoreHip Hop : A Genre Of Music1431 Words   |  6 PagesHip hop is widely know as a genre of music that started in a New York City borough called the Bronx in the late 1970s, but it is more than just the music. Hip hop is a culture that consists of being a disc jockey which is also known as deejaying or turntabling, MCing or rhyming â€Å"rapping†, graffiti, fashion, and breakdancing. Hip hop was mostly an underground culture only know to the people living in the Bronx. Hip hop is a relatively new culture which fascinates most people because it of its somewhatRead MoreHip Hop, A Popular Genre Of Music2482 Words   |  10 PagesHip-Hop is a subcultural movement that formed in the early 1970s by African-American, Caribbean and Latino youths. It wasn’t until the late 1980s that it became popular outside of the African-American community and by the 2000s it became the most popular genre of music. However, the subculture has evolved through out the years and the comparison between the n and now is growing increasingly big. Hip-Hop in the 80s consisted of music, dance, creativity and artistry. It also allowed people an avenueRead MoreHip Hop Is Widely Known As A Genre Of Music That Started2027 Words   |  9 PagesHip hop is widely known as a genre of music that started in a New York City borough called the Bronx in the late 1970s, but it is more than just the music. Hip hop is a culture that consists of being a disc jockey which is also known as deejaying or turntabling, breakdancing, MCing or rhyming â€Å"rapping†, graffiti, and fashion. Each of these items are key elements in creating hip hop and these key items are part of the hip hop culture. Deejaying was an important factor contributing to hip hop cultureRead MoreHip Hop : A Cultural Movement And Popular Genre Of Music Essay1920 Words   |  8 Pagesthat there s some kind of unity in hip-hop. We all found something that s really important to us, and music is all we ve really got† – Missy Elliot. Hip-Hop is a cultural moveme nt and popular genre of music that emerged during the early 1970 s by working class Black youths in New York City. The cultural movement has rapidly expanded across different countries and ethnicities over the years, becoming one of the few markers that define a generation. Hip-Hop can be seen as â€Å"the fundamental matrixRead MoreRap Or Hip Hop Is More Than Just Another Music Genre940 Words   |  4 PagesRap or Hip Hop is more than just another music genre, it is a movement full of more aspects than one could imagine. The film â€Å"The Art of Rap† directed, produced, and hosted by Ice-T, exemplifies the different aspects and explains the importance of Hip Hop while taking a journey interviewing many legendary MC’s, giving the viewer an inside perspective of this music and the art of MC’ing. This film also heavily resonates with the book Rap Music and Street Consciousness. Ice-T interviews many influentialRead MoreHip Hop Culture And Culture1196 Words   |  5 PagesHip-Hop Culture and race have had a complicated relationship in the past two decades. It has been commonly referred to as â€Å"black music† and a reflection of black culture. However, recent studies done by the Mediamark Research Inc. showed that 60% of rap music buyers are white. With the emergence of white, Latino, Asian, and other rappers with diverse backgrounds on the Hip Hop scene it is important recognize the changing color of the genre and the stereotype it holds as â€Å"black music†. Black cultureRead MoreThe Music Of Hip Hop Essay1420 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout the ages, genres such as Rock and Roll, Pop, RB, and Funk ruled the music spectrum. Before the flow of an emcee rocked the crowd with his/her rhythmic flow, a significant day in music history would soon influence the music industry, cultures, fashion, and make this new genre into a global phenomenon . This significant day was marked on August 13, 1973, or also known as the birthday of Hip-Hop. While Hip-Hop can be commonly be associated with being an emcee/rapper, the art of emceeing

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Strategy and Decision Making Creativity and Innovation

Question: Discuss about the Strategy and Decision Makingfor Creativity and Innovation. Answer: Introduction Decision making in any organization entails choosing a specific course of action from among alternatives to be able to respond to the problems as well as opportunities that present themselves to the organization. Success and effective running of any organization starts and ends with good decision making. The organization needs to implement programmed as well as non -programmed decision making for it to be effective. None-programmed decision making entails coming up with the right information and ideas that will address novel problems and opportunities that emergence in the organization. [1]Such decision making is able to address the problems and opportunities in the organization that had never been experienced before. On the other hand, programmed decision making entails coming up with responses able to address problems and opportunities within the organization that have been experienced before. It involves making decision that enable the organization to address problems and opportunities that recur after having arisen and been addressed before. To ensure that problems and opportunities are dealt with appropriately immediately they arise, organizations design a performance program to guide its employees on how to address the opportunities and problems that may arise along the way. [2]A performance program therefore is a standard sequence of behaviour that guide the operations and conduct of the members of the organization and which the members are expected to follow routinely whenever confronted by a problem or an opportunity within the organization. According to the Classical decision making model, after a while, the non-programmed decision making becomes programmed decision making as the organization gets used to it. [3]Due to the fact that decision makers are used to making decisions to address problems and opportunities in the organization, it is assumed that the decision maker is always equipped with the necessary information which they will always choose from whenever confronted with a problem and an opportunity within the organization. The Classical decision making model offers a prescriptive approach on how people within the organization should make decisions. [4]This approach presents four essential steps in the decision making process. These include; Listing all the available decision making alternatives that can address the problem or opportunity presented. Against each alternative, list the likely consequences that will arise as a result of using the alternative decision making approach. Consider your best choice that you think would address the problem and opportunity effectively and rank the consequences from the one you would prefer most to the least. Select the alternative that if used will result to the best set of consequences that you would prefer In any given organization, the leadership acts as the focal point in decision making. As a result, good and efficient leadership is directly proportional to the effectiveness of the decisions made. [5]An organization that is able to come up with the decision making best strategies to address its problems and opportunities is regarded to have good leadership. This is because leaders are the head of the organization and as a result are in charge of the decision making process after which they communicate the decision making strategy to the rest of the organization. Due to the changes in the trends of doing business brought about by factors such as technological advancements and globalization, it is essential that the leadership of any given organization embraces and encourages creativity as well as innovation. An innovative approach to leadership entails bringing up new ideas, management styles as well as leadership styles that when implemented are able to change the face of the organization and improve its output. [6]An innovative leader thinks about how they can transform the face of the organization. Similarly, they come up with the best decision making strategies to address problems that seem impossible to handle. Moreover, an innovative leader is flexible and employs the use of alternatives to address problems for the organization. Furthermore, innovative leadership does not begin and end with the leader. It is about openness and creation of an organizational climate that allows other members of the organization to apply their innovative thinking in the resolution of the problems as well as in the development of new products for the organization. In order for there to be creativity in the organization, the leadership of the organization ought to actively implement strategies geared towards encouraging innovation and creativity. This is characterised by the creation of a conducive environment that is able to promote the creative and innovative culture within the organization. [7]One way through which leaders can encourage innovation and creativity in decision making in the organization is by encouraging diversity among the employees of the organization while at the same time they develop an effective leadership strategy that is able to promote and sustain innovation and creativity within the organization. [8]Innovative organizational leadership encourages and promotes growth of a culture of innovation and creativity within the organization as opposed to hiring a few creative and innovative persons in the organization. With a creative and innovative culture within the organization, the leadership together with the employees are able to think differently as well as employ new ways of working to face any challenge that may arise while at the same time are able to come up with creative and innovative ideas to address any problem or opportunity that may arise within the organization. Through creativity and innovation, the organization is able to stay alive despite any challenges that may arise at the same time stay ahead of the competition that may present itself in the market. [9]Today, unlike in yester years, globalisation has completely changed the global competition in the market. This change hassled to the increase in the rivalry and vast possibilities among organizations. Many are the times organizations have been closed, others facing consequences such as shorter products, service as well as process life cycle. To remain relevant and compete favourably in the market under the harsh conditions, organizations have no other option but to strive for continuous enhancement, development as well as think out of the box. This entails creativity and innovation. Through creativity and innovation, the organization is able to embrace out-of the-box-thinking which enables its leadership as well as employees to embrace decision making strategies able to address emerging problems as well as handle opportunities that may arise. [10]To enable an effective use of creativity and innovation to enhance the level of decision making strategies, organizations and their lead ership should develop a clear framework comprising of structures as well as guidelines that will enable the organization to measure and enhance the level of innovation and creativity among its employees and guide them in their decision making strategies of the benefit of the organization. In order for the organization to make viable decisions able to address its problems and opportunities, it is of significance for the organization to put great emphasis on creativity and innovation by using a continuous updated, clear as well as a well formulated organizational strategy. [11]The main purpose of putting up an innovation strategy in the organization is to enable the organization to establish processes as well as creation of an infrastructure and climate able to tap the creative and innovative capability of every employee within its system and utilize this capability to the full benefit of the organization. [12]To enhance organizational creativity and innovation in decision making, it is paramount for the organizational leadership to be effective and put up strategies able to promote creativity and innovation throughout the entire organization. This calls for a systematic as well as sustainable leadership effort within the organization as through this, the organizational potential is able to be realized. The creative environment and culture should be created from the top as this will set the level and guide the employee in the organization on how they are supposed to use their creative potential in the decision making process within the organization. [13]It is therefore the duty of the leadership of the organization to actively promote creativity generating initiatives while at the same time eliminate the barriers to effective decision making as well as oversee the formulation of innovative strategies that will work as a guideline to the organization in decision making whenever the organization is confronted with problems and opportunities in its life cycle. Creative decision making in an organization can be promoted through motivation as well as investing in team-building structures. [14]According to Nagasundaram and Bostrom (1994), creative people in an organization perform better when the organization has minimal hierarchy, puts in place team building structures as well as when the individual is motivated through rewards and incentives that are well re-thought. However, the organization should embrace intrinsic incentives as opposed to extrinsic incentives like rewards to encourage creative and innovative decision making among its employees. [15]Intrinsic incentives entail incentives geared towards enhancing pleasure within the employee to overcome a challenging problem. This works better that extrinsic incentives and rewards such as giving cash bonuses. The organizational leadership should work towards eliminating any scenarios that may make the employee feel as if they are being controlled. [16]Measures such as surveillance, limitation authority for the employee to make their own decisions and making employees feel as they are being given bribes to influence their decision making should be eliminated. Instead, the leadership of the organization should focus on creating a culture of innovation and creativity and putting in place guidelines that guide the employees in decision making without necessarily feeling as they are controlled in their decision making. [17]The employee should be given the liberty to make decisions that affect their area of jurisdiction without interference from the leadership of the organization. However, in the exercise of liberty in decision making, the employee must adhere to the set guidelines within the organization. [18]Therefore creative and innovative decision making entails effective leadership and facilitation as opposed to control and manipulation. It entails creation of a creative environment where there are clear organizational goals and objectives. Similarly, a creative environment ensures that the employees of the organization have the autonomy and freedom to come up with decision making strategies that will enable achievement of the goals and objectives of the organization freely without any form of interference. Hence creativity and innovation makes the decision making process to be novel, original and innovative. Therefore, apart from culture, strategy, technology among other management tools, creativity and innovation serves as an essential factor that drives the success of the organization through ensuring effective decision making. [19]To further encourage a culture of innovation and creativity in decision making within the organization, the leadership should create an environment that ensures that employees are guided by clear organizational goals and problem statements. [20]Moreover, the employee should be allowed the autonomy to explore alternative decisions, experiment with the new decisions and at times to fail in t he decision making strategies. Hence autonomy and free will promotes rational-decision making among employees in the organization. Through autonomy, the employee is able to act deliberately, without any form of coercion in their thinking and reasoning. This ends up influencing the individual in their rational decision-making process. [21]Max Weber viewed autonomy as an essential component in the rational decision making process. In his writing on Methodology of the Social Sciences, Weber maintained that human beings have the habit of associating their freedom o feeling with the actions which they consciously perform and that in the absence of coercion, human being are able to make rational decisions. [22]Autonomy hence encourages creativity and innovation among an organizations employees. The influence of innovation and creativity in decision making is the reason behind major improvements in the way business is done globally. Creativity and innovation has contributed to decisions that have led to improvements in the essential business areas such as technology, communication and infrastructure. References Alegre, Joaqun, and Ricardo Chiva. "Assessing the impact of organizational learning capability on product innovation performance: An empirical test." Technovation 28, no. 6 (2008): 315-326. Alves, Jorge, Maria Jos Marques, Irina Saur, and Pedro Marques. "Creativity and innovation through multidisciplinary and multisectoral cooperation." Creativity and Innovation Management 16, no. 1 (2007): 27-34. Baron, Robert A., and Jintong Tang. "The role of entrepreneurs in firm-level innovation: Joint effects of positive affect, creativity, and environmental dynamism." Journal of Business Venturing 26, no. 1 (2011): 49-60. Carlisle, Ysanne, and Elizabeth McMillan. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Indolence of the Filipino People free essay sample

â€Å"The Indolence of the Filipino People† Summary On the first chapter, it primarily deals with the admittance of Rizal that indolence does exist to Filipinos and he also pointed out reasons why it existed. Rizal also elucidate that the term indolence was greatly altered in the sense of no love or little love for work. In the Philippines, Rizal pointed out that the disaster, hardships, and weakness of the others are blamed to the indolence of the Filipino. Rizal agreed that laziness has been present to the lives of the natives. It has always been a battle between natives and the climate, native versus nature and natives versus natives. But despite this laziness and how natives battled with some factors of it, Rizal stated that it should have positive effects. The indolence of the native does not causes backwardness and misfortune but it is actually the effect of misfortune and backwardness. We will write a custom essay sample on The Indolence of the Filipino People or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Rizal compared the climate of the Philippines to the European countries. He said that hot and humid climate in the country could be a reasonable rationalization for the indolence of the Filipinos.Unlike those European countries, which has cold climates and need to exert more strength to work, it is not correct for the Philippines to be compared to them. He even pointed out that an hour work under the scorching heat of the sun in our country is equivalent to a day work in temperate countries. The second chapter of this article, Rizal labelled indolence as a chronic disease. He said that if a disease is given a wrong treatment, then it would also follow that the disease will aggravate. In the case of indolence, the Filipinos should not be defeated in combating this malady.In this chapter, Rizal argued that the natives were engaged in trade and commerce even before the Spaniards came. This was even first noticed by Pigefatta when they arrived in the country in 1521 with Magellan. The involvement of natives in buying and selling and other industrial activities disproves the belief that Filipinos are indolent. Rizal ended this chapter with a question on what have caused the natives to completely forget their fertile past. The main ideas being discussed by Rizal in chapter three are the reasons that could have caused the native’s culture and economy dissolution.There have been existences of frequent war, pirate attacks and invasion that lead to chaos among the natives. As a result, massive destruction of local areas was felt by the people. Aside from it, many natives were pulled out from their daily industrial activities and was sent to Spain for expeditions (natives were the one who is rowing the big ships of Spaniards) or to fight in battles. Some natives were put on forced labour in building ships of the Spaniards. Those native who has suffered too much and was able to escape the dilemma, fled to the upper lands.As a result, the once fertile and toiled land were abandoned and left barren. These scenarios presented are just few of good reasons that could have explained that there are deep rooted causes of the indolence of the Filipinos. Rizal pointed out in the fourth chapter that Filipinos who are not masters of liberty is not responsible for its misfortunes and anguish. The trade industry in the country died due to how the country was governed by the Spaniards. There has been pirate attacks and lack of funding from the government which were too much burden to the farmers.Encomenderos abused the natives which made them abandon the fields. The corrupt officials and friars have found way in easy money and they monopolized the trade. The government even tolerated gambling. The situations of the country were compounded by the Church’s off beam dogma. It has been emphasized by the church that being rich is a sin and this leads to wrong mind-set towards work. Natives were discriminated and were not given proper education. The last chapter solely emphasized on two factors that causes indolence.These two factors are the poor and limited education or training of the natives and the lack of national sentiment of unity among the people. It has been known that there have been discriminations among Spanish and the natives. Spaniards thought that the natives are of inferior race and thus does not need to have same opportunities as the foreigners. Since it has already been inculcated in the minds of the Filipinos are inferior, they easily surrender to foreign culture and would try their very best to be part of it by imitating other cultures.Many proposed ways on how to combat indolence. The government imposed higher taxes but this futile solution resulted into an increase number of thieves and criminals. With these factors being analyzed by Rizal, he said that the only solution to this is liberty and education. Rizal stressed that through education, the natives will be intelligent enough to be separated from the colonizers or questions and asked for their rights that they are worthy of.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Literary Analysis All Quiet on the Western Front Essay Example

Literary Analysis All Quiet on the Western Front Essay In a brutal trench war known as World War I, the German troops were exposed to brutal conditions, which is shown to critically shape the personality and mannerisms of soldier Paul Baumer, the lead protagonist in All Quiet on the Western Front. Identity is a major theme in the novel, especially relating to Paul. He loses much of his innocence at age nineteen upon entering the war, while adapting to the nature of violence he must endure every day in combat. This matures Paul, who admits that despite his young age, he feels old based on what he has witnessed at war. The recurring mention of â€Å"Fatherland Germany† suggests the theme of patriotism that is evident in the plot. Once believing the propaganda of war spoken by his teacher, Paul enlists enthusiastically, taking in ideas that would later reveal to be hollow notions. But as days pass and more of his fellow troops succumb to injury and death, he begins to realize that war holds no meaning and the only truth underlying wa r is that both enemies and allies alike are human beings and not faceless figures. As a war novel, All Quiet on the Western Front is considered a tragedy as the events are nonfiction and accurately define the real conflicts between nations during the course of World War I. Paul is the narrator of the novel and the leader of his group, portrayed upon introduction in the story as a â€Å"seasoned soldier† in contrast to the new recruits. Prior to joining the war, Paul was captivated by poetry and art, but shed such interests as he matured in ruthless combat. The main antagonist in the story is the environment of war. World War I was an entirely new type of battle, drawing the forces of multiple countries into combat. It was known for the notoriously violent and grim front lines of the war that were like no other. Albert Kropp is a foil for Paul because he is strongly against the idea of war and has no fear of authority. When he is injured alongside Paul, he threat We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis All Quiet on the Western Front specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis All Quiet on the Western Front specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis All Quiet on the Western Front specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Accountability Essay Example

Accountability Essay Example Accountability Essay Accountability Essay Without accountability of my fellow oldies I put them as well as myself in danger. If I dont know where my team is it is impossible to come to their aid if needed and vice versa. That being said it is a key part in being a leader for that exact reason. You cannot be an effective leader without knowing or at the very least have some type Of idea of the location of the ones you are leading and what they are doing at all times. Accountability in its self is a major part of not only being in the military, but many different aspects of life as well. The rules apply where ever you go. Parents must maintain accountability of their children, teachers must maintain accountability of their students, and supervisors must maintain accountability oftener workers. No matter what you do in life you will have to keep accountability of someone or something, and someone will most likely be keeping accountability of you, there is no getting around it. Most crimes happen when people are lost and/or nobody knows where they are. If somebody at least knows the general area of where you are they can find you a lot quicker than if they were just searching where you might be. That in its self could be the difference between life and death. People lose their jobs over accountability every day. Whether it be losing a file, or not calling in sick, or just not calling to tell somebody that they are going to be late for whatever reason. A lack of focus and accountability loses your package in the mail, your house hold goods when moving, or your paperwork at SSL . At school you have to keep track of your text books, supplies, and your schedule in order to operate smoothly. Accountability affects your everyday life without you even legalizing it. At this point in our lives it is no longer a job but a part of life and a sign of responsibility. Another sign of maturity is holding yourself accountable for your own actions. If you are one of those people who goes around making excuses for everything you do, people will begin to lose faith in you, and in turn you will not only lose your credibility but their trust as well. After a certain point excuses become less relevant or believable and you are seen and/or treated as if you were lying. No leader likes the It wasnt my fault, l as goanna, or see what had happened was guy/gal and you shouldnt want to be him/her. It is always better to hold yourself accountable for your own actions, you will gain a lot more respect that way. Once again accountability plays a major role in the quality of your everyday life and the lives of those around you as well. Good accountability or a lack of accountability can mean the difference in somebody getting paid the right amount or even at all. It could be the difference of receiving a tax refund or paying the state more Han what you owe.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

FOUNDATIONS OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

FOUNDATIONS OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - Coursework Example The devaluation of Taka against our currency would make the purchases cheaper for us at every point. In a business model that has just started over a period of time; the organizational structure tends to look like a bicycle wheel with the business owner or owners at the center acting as the hub of the wheel. When the flow of information is from the center to different departments or members of a team, a wheel network is formed. This allows other members of the group to work independently without having to interact or communicate with each other and still give good results. The wheel structure cannot be incorporated in a team when it is formed since a team requires interaction and coordination between all the members in order to give significant results. This sort of structure is mainly incorporated in the fields of distribution and procurement. Giving the example of a company that receives the raw material at its center and then this raw material from this centralized depot is distributed to the sub offices of the company throughout the region. Similarly after the production of a p roduct, the company’s factory of production unit acts as the hub of the wheel and then this finished product is distributed all over the region to different sub divisions of the company acting as the spokes of the wheel.. When there are different divisions dedicated to produce or sell a product and they work under a centralized command, it is known as traditional division structure. Each of the divisions is a dedicated to a specific business and they perform their function as well as report to the central command. These divisions are then further divided into sub divisions making their own proper functional structure making the division another command center reporting to the central command. Thus a group of divisional command systems report to a central